Kim is my hero because what she’s done for my family

My hero is Kim who has been my friend for more than 20 years she was also my employee. Kim is a flight attendant and a real estate agent one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Kim has flown as A flight attendant for many years and always volunteers for flights that are very hard emotionally most recently rescue flights for the refugees she has the strength and warmth in her heart to make people feel welcome. Mostly Kim is my hero because what she’s done for my family, a few years ago I had a very bad accident if it wasn’t for Kim I don’t know what the outcome would’ve been. Since she was a family friend my children reached out to her she went out of her way to find me the best doctors there were and help me get transferred to the best hospital there was to cover my issues for that I am eternally grateful as are my children. Kim has been my real estate agent my employee and most of all my friend I look up to her every day for what she’s accomplished in her life as a single mother, Real estate agent, flight attendant, grandmother and great friend.